You may have seen some old dancer and bard in comodo or an old priest in prontera and wondered what or why they are there.

Well heres the why, they are there to help you with obtaining the cards you need for your class.

Now for the what, they will tell you to bring them 25 OCA's and 500,000 zeny to be exact in exchange for their cards.

In case you have not noticed them I will show what they look like and what town to find the one for your class in.

Class: Acolyte

Name: Old Priest  

Location: Prontera

Class: Dancer & Bard  

Name: Old DAncer & Old Bard  

Location: Comodo

Class: Merchant

Name: Old Alchemist  

Location: Aldebaran

Class: Swordsman  

Name: Old Knight  

Location: Izlude

Class: Thief

Name: Old Assassin  

Location: Morroc

Class: Merchant  

Name: Old Blacksmith  

Location: Alberta

Class: Swordsman

Name: Old Crusader  

Location: Prontera Castle

Class: Archer  

Name: Old Hunter  

Location: Archer Village

Class: Acolyte

Name: Old Monk  

Location: Port Monk

Class: Thief  

Name: Old Rogue  

Location: Rogue Guild

Class: Mage

Name: Old Sage  

Location: Sage Guild

Class: Novice  

Name: Old Super Novice  

Location: Aldebaran

Class: Mage  

Name: Old Wizard  

Location: Geffen Tower